The Northern California Packet Association

Member List

Primary W6SCF SC4ARC (Club) Y YYYYYY 2025-06-26
Primary N6ACK Matthew Ackerman Y YYYYYY 2026-11-01
Secondary KJ6WEG Chris Adams Y YYYYY 2024-03-27
Primary VA3SFA Faisal Akber Y YYYYYYYY 2023-10-18
Primary KJ6PUO Keith Amidon Y YYY 2024-03-01
Primary N0ARY Bob Arasmith Y YYYYY 2030-02-09
Primary K2YE Jim Beno Y YYYY 2028-03-27
Primary KF6DMA Clive Blackledge Y YYY 2033-11-14
Primary W6GP Franklin Boots Y YYYYYYYY 2023-03-12
Primary KO6BGJ Jason Bridges YYY 2024-09-19
Secondary W6OAK Hugo Campos Y YYYYYY 2023-05-05
Primary KI6HOB Mark Carter Y YYYYY 2023-05-05
Secondary K7IN Paul Cavnar Y YY 2024-03-27
Secondary KI6FAO Peter Chupity Y YYYY 2024-07-08
Primary N6JRC Jim Clark Y YYYYYYY 2023-12-22
Primary K6ME Terry Cobb Sr. Y YYYY 2023-05-07
Secondary K6EF Mark Cohen Y YYYYYYY 2024-07-14
Primary KE6JJJ Jeremy Cooper YYYY 2023-08-08
Primary WW6RC Rick Cowperthwaite Y YY 2024-05-21
Primary NB6S Ken Crouse Y Y 2023-05-04
Primary KM6KDZ Chris Dant Y YYYYYY 2023-08-25
Primary KF6OBI Michael Ellithorp Y YYYY 2027-10-11
Secondary AA4RE Roy Engehausen YYYY 2024-02-26
Secondary K6CAL Marcus Greer Y 2024-07-28
Primary AA6RH Randy Hall Y YYY 2023-12-09
Primary N6UOW David Harris Y YYYYY 2023-09-02
Secondary KD6WBA David Hoge Y YY 2024-11-02
Primary KE6TIM Tim Howard Y YYYYYY 2023-08-31
Primary KN6WXL Larry Hudgins Y 2024-01-04
Secondary KN6ERT Chris Jacobi Y Y 2022-08-05
Primary W6JEX Bill Jenkins Y YYY 2025-07-30
Primary K2LL Neil Katin Y YYY 2025-01-29
Primary W6JMK John Kristian Y YY 2025-10-16
Primary AA6WK Skip La Fetra Y YYY 2024-05-04
Primary K6FJC Mark Laubach Y YYYYY 2023-02-27
Primary KK6FPP Thomas Leibold Y YYYY 2027-07-19
Primary KD6MTU Guy Lemke YYYYYYYYYY 2023-09-30
Primary K6BRW Patrick May YYYYYYY 2023-09-27
Primary KJ6YFY Antonio Means YYYYYYY 2022-12-22
Primary K2RDX John Mezak Y 2023-04-27
Primary K2RDX John Mezak Y Y 2024-06-04
Primary WB6YRU Gary Mitchell YYY 2025-04-22
Primary AD6DM Dennis Mojado Y YYYYYY 2023-05-05
Primary KI6DOG Doug Mosher Y YY 2024-03-28
Primary WA6NBG Donald Nelson Y 2024-06-12
Primary KN6PE Jim Oberhofer Y YYYY 2025-10-31
Primary K6OTT Andreas Ott Y YYYYYY 2024-03-01
Primary N6GEO George Overturf Y YY 2022-12-22
Primary KE6SHL Richard Pack Y YYYY 2024-03-31
Primary WB6GJE Michael Papp Y Y 2025-08-29
Primary KE6AFE Cap Pennell Y YY 2025-07-30
Primary K6TJP Thomas Pugliese Y YYY 2023-05-05
Primary W6RAY Ray Quinn YYYYYY 2027-08-15
Secondary KI6ZHD David Ranch Y YYYYYYYY 2023-05-05
Secondary KM6RFB Scott Read Y YY 2025-05-10
Primary KN6SQ John Remoy Y YY 2023-12-26
Primary AA6AX Jim (Sky) Schuyler YY 2023-05-05
Primary NI6A Don Simon Y YYYYYY 2024-03-21
Primary W7CSD Eric Struble Y YYYY 2024-03-22
Primary KF6NPG Lucian Thomas Y YYYY 2028-07-04
Primary W6HAF George Tucker Y Y 2023-05-05
Secondary KN6EZF Mark Twitchell Y Y 2023-06-30
Secondary W6RGG Bob Vallio Y Y 2025-11-11
Primary KI6PUR Richard Van Mell Y Y 2023-12-22
Primary K6VIZ Victor Zarich Y YYYYYY 2022-09-06

The NCPA is a committee, regular voting members are like directors, all others advise.

NCPA Members' Remailer

The NCPA meets electronically (internet remailer) most of the time. The goal is to make it easier for people to attend meetings without having to drive a long distance. This also allows the members to deal with issues on a continuous basis instead of having to wait for the next meeting. As with regular face-to-face meetings, the remailer is open to all interested persons. The NCPA remailer address: One may subscribe to the remailer on the NCPA mail list web site.